Thursday 28 January 2016

Exam MB6-889 Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 Service Management

Published: April 26, 2012
Languages: English
Audiences: Information workers
Technology: Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012
Credit toward certification: MCTS

Skills measured
This exam measures your ability to accomplish the technical tasks listed below. The percentages indicate the relative weight of each major topic area on the exam. The higher the percentage, the more questions you are likely to see on that content area on the exam. View video tutorials about the variety of question types on Microsoft exams.

Please note that the questions may test on, but will not be limited to, the topics described in the bulleted text.

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Manage service agreements (13%)
Create a service agreement header
Understand the use and impact of project management, project accounting and validation settings; set up project or category validation; set up or use service agreement groups; create service agreement headers
Create service agreement lines
Create new service agreement lines, search for service agreement lines to copy, understand the concept of service objects, set up service object groups, create service tasks, create service object relations or service task relations, specify service task notes
Create a service agreement from another source
Copy lines from another service agreement, create service templates and service template groups, copy a service template into a service agreement, create a service agreement from a sales order

Preparation resources
Working with service agreements [Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012]
Create service agreements [Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012]
Create service-agreement lines manually [Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012]

Manage service orders (13%)
Set up service parameters
Define settings for service order creation, set up service order default activities, set up service stages, set up and view stage reason codes
Create a service order manually
Create service order headers, create service orders or service order lines manually, create service object relations or service task relations with service orders, create CRM activities when creating service orders
Create a service order automatically
Combine service orders, describe service intervals, describe and use time windows, create a service order from a service agreement or sales order
Manage a service order
Process service orders; create item requirements; cancel or delete service orders; post a service order from a service order, service agreement, or project; post a service order to a project; invoice service orders

Preparation resources
Create service orders manually [Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012]
Create or modify service orders and repair lines [Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012]
Create service orders automatically [Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012]

Manage Service Level Agreements (SLAs) (12%)
Set up SLAs
Create SLAs, view information about SLAs and service orders, create service agreement groups, filter service agreements by group
Set up time recording
Start, stop, and restart time recording; create reason codes; understand the process of service order sign-off; define the different service order stages; use service order stages to stop time recording

Preparation resources
About Service Level Agreements [Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012]
Create service agreement groups [Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012]

Manage the Service Dispatcher (14%)
Set up the Dispatch board
Set a preferred technician, create activity types, create dispatch teams and assign resources, describe the concept of color-based priorities, set the default date interval on the Dispatch board
Manage service orders by using the Dispatch board
Describe service order integration, create new service orders and assign activity types, set a default start time on service order headers, set default values on service orders
Manage activities by using the Dispatch board
Describe activity management in the Dispatch board, create activities on lines, perform typical activity actions, assign time values to activities, reassign activities, change time assignments, monitor activities, view undispatched activities, jump between forms to view activities

Preparation resources
About the Dispatch board [Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012]
Set up service activity types [Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012]
Dispatch board (form) [Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012]

Manage repairs (12%)
Set up a management process
Understand the repair management process; set up or define symptom areas, symptom codes, and conditions for specified symptoms; set up diagnosis areas and diagnosis codes
Diagnose and repair
Set up resolutions and repair stages, create and finish repair lines, create service order transactions for repairs

Preparation resources
About repair management [Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012]
Service management - Repair configuration key (SMARepair) [Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012]
View service repair lines [Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012]

Manage bills of materials (BOMs) versioning (11%)
Create and modify a template BOM
Create or modify template BOMs
Create and modify a service BOM
Create service BOMs, describe the functions available for service BOMs, move a service BOM from one service object relation to another, update service BOMs, view service BOM reports, replace component items, modify service BOMs by using the BOM Designer

Preparation resources
Create a template BOM [Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012]
Setting up and maintaining bills of materials [Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012]
Modify a service BOM [Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012]

Manage service subscriptions (12%)
Create and modify subscriptions and transactions
Create subscription groups, subscription fee categories, or subscriptions; create and invoice projects; create or adjust subscription fee transactions; set up or update an indexed base price for a subscription
Manage subscription revenue
Invoice subscription fee transactions, create credit notes for subscription transactions, accrue revenue from subscription fee transactions, reverse subscription accruals, examine ledger transactions and posting of accrued revenue, set up subscription parameters

Preparation resources
About service subscriptions [Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012]
About subscription groups [Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012]
Accrue subscription revenue [Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012]

Manage services in the Enterprise Portal (13%)
Manage service orders in the Enterprise Portal for technicians
Describe service order management in the Enterprise Portal; create, access, or edit service orders; create or edit service order lines; create repair lines; view repair lines, object relation lines, and task relation lines; view service agreements; describe Role Center concepts
Manage service orders in the Enterprise Portal for customers
Access and view the status of service orders in the Enterprise Portal, create service orders, view subscriptions, review web service orders, transfer web service orders to the service orders form

Preparation resources
What's new: Enterprise Portal in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012
About Enterprise Portal roles and user groups
Verify a service web order and assign it to a technician [Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012]

You are reviewing a service order to determine whether it is in compliance with the associated service level agreement.
What does the Compliance value shown in the service order header represent?

A. The number of hours of work completed on the service order.
B. The percentage of hours remaining compared to the limit of the service level agreement.
C. The percentage of hours completed on the service order compared to the limit of the service level agreement.
D. The number of hours remaining within the limit of the service level agreement.

Answer: C


You are configuring service level agreements in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012.
What is the purpose of the Calendar setting on a service level agreement?

A. To determine whether a service order can be automatically created for the service agreement
B. To determine the start time of an incoming service order.
C. To determine the sign-off date of an incoming service order.
D. To determine whether the status of an incoming service order will be set to Started.

Answer: A


You suspend a service level agreement (SLA) in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012.
What is the result?

A. The SLA cannot be assigned to service agreements or service agreement groups.
B. The SLA cannot be assigned to service agreements but can be assigned to service agreement groups
C. The SLA cannot be assigned to service agreements but can be assigned to service orders.
D. The SLA cannot be assigned to service agreements or service orders.

Answer: A


Which of the following is a result of cancelling the service level agreement on a service order in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012?

A. The service order is signed off.
B. The status is set to blank.
C. The time recording records are deleted.
D. The service stage is set to Cancel.

Answer: C


You are working with service orders in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012.
In which situation will advancing the service order stage stop time recording?

A. If Stop time recording is selected for the service stage.
B. If the service order has no lines.
C. If the service order stage is changed to Cancel.
D. If Cancel is selected for the service stage.

Answer: A


Friday 8 January 2016

How to disable impending IE nag notices

Outdated IE editions on Windows 7 will open a new tab with download page to IE11
Next week, Microsoft's Internet Explorer browser (IE) will begin displaying nag notices to users who have not upgraded to the latest available for their operating system.

Users can disable those notices and continue running retired editions without the disruption of the in-browser warnings.

On Jan. 12, Microsoft will deliver the final security updates for IE8, IE9 and IE10 on Windows 7 Service Pack 1 (SP1) to make good on an August 2014 announcement that it would shut off patches and other support for those browsers on the OS. Other versions of Windows will also show the nags to users still running older editions of IE: Those running Windows Vista, for example, will see the alert if they are still on IE7, the browser that was originally bundled with the 2006 operating system, or on IE8, the 2009 follow-up.

The code to display the notifications will be bundled with the cumulative security updates slated to release Tuesday for the affected browsers.

According to Microsoft employee Steve Thomas, the nag will appear in a new tab when an out-of-date IE is launched. The tab will open to the appropriate page on Microsoft's website where the user can download the latest version of the browser; in most cases, that will be this page for downloading IE11.

The tab will reappear 72 hours later if the user ignores the recommendation to upgrade and closes the tab.

Last month, Microsoft published a support document that outlined how enterprises could disable the notification, presumably because they were still in the midst of their upgrade to IE11 on Windows 7, or had paid Microsoft for a custom support plan that will give them security patches for the retired browsers after the public expiration date of Jan. 12.

Anyone who wants to continue running an outdated edition can use the same instructions to switch off the in-IE nags.

To disable the notices, users must edit the Windows registry, a chore best left to advanced users and only after backing up the device; an error in the registry can cripple the computer.

In Windows 7, that can be done by adding the new registry key:


to the registry subkey:


and then under the new key, this entry:

iexplore.exe = 1

The soon-to-retired browsers will continue to work after Jan. 12, although no further security updates will be provided for them. That means -- assuming Microsoft does not release an emergency "out-of-band" update in the coming weeks -- that the retired versions of IE will be as safe as Microsoft can make them until the next Patch Tuesday, which is slated for Feb 9. At that point, the older versions will have fallen behind on patches.
Certkingdom Reviews

Saturday 2 January 2016

The app dev undead: 5 technologies limping along, io.js, JavaFX, Objective-C, and Spring.Net have all faded away, but for different reasons

Sometimes, technologies are introduced to great fanfare and then, well, fizzle.

For whatever reasons, they do not gain much momentum or get displaced by a theoretically better successor. Not all are inferior tools -- in fact, they may even be superior to what was already available. However, superiority and innovation don't always translate to successful adoption, though some establish cult followings.

The year, we've seen five such technologies aimed at developers fail to live up to their initial promise and thus fade away. Rich Web tools can't displace native apps

Last year, was flying high and looked to give native mobile app development a run for its money. Equipped with a 3D physics-based animation engine, positioned its open source JavaScript framework as taking Web development for mobile to the next level and simplifying the building of complex UIs.

The company scored tens of millions of venture-capital dollars and looked to make a killing with a wrapper service for mobile apps. But lately, has has gone proprietary, abandoning its open source focus. The company’s open source team was fired, in fact. also abandoned its wrapper-service business model in favor of micro-app development and the Famous Micro-App content management system for digital marketers.

Despite the product shift, CEO Steve Newcomb says the technical vision remains the same: building native interfaces with Web technologies. Still, the huge impact that promised simply didn't happen.

io.js: Ugly divorce resulted in a strengthened marriage

Spun out as a fork of the Node.js server-side JavaScript platform in late 2014, io.js was intended to expand the horizons of the Node realm after devotees got tired with the platform's slow pace of change and restrictive governance model.

Io.js was going to change all that. But the divorce did not last. The two factions, which included some of the same people, agreed to make up this spring; previous releases of io.js are now considered Node releases. Node.js itself did move to the jurisdiction of the Node.js Foundation rather than its original governor, the application virtualization vendor Joyent.

Everybody appears happy with the resolution, and the months of dissonance had no significant consequences on developers.
JavaFX: The rich Internet technology that never took off

Introduced with lofty expectations by Sun Microsystems in 2007, JavaFX was Java's entrant into the rich client application space that Macromedia's Flash and Microsoft's now-all-but-dead Silverlight then dominated. Although it has a loyal following and still exists, JavaFX never took off.

Over the years, JavaFX has been eclipsed by Web technologies such as JavaScript and even Flash (which has problems of its own and is on the road to obsolescence). JavaFX's decline started years ago: Oracle discontinued JavaFX Script, a scripting language associated with the platform, in 2010.

"It is a technology with relatively narrow appeal. We are seeing less and less Java at the front end outside of Android in terms of new projects, and the various Java front-end technologies are not expected at this point to be a major influence,” said IDC analyst Al Hilwa. Indeed, a 2014 thread in Reddit asked, "Why is JavaFX being continued? Nobody uses it." And a recent search on found only 30 job postings that mentioned JavaFX skills.

Objective-C: Apple replaced it with Swift

This venerable language has been best known as a platform for developing applications for Apple's software platforms, particularly the popular iOS smartphones and tablets. But with Apple's introduction of the successor Swift language in June 2014, the writing has been on the wall that Objective-C shall decline.

Although there were still more than 6,400 jobs citing Objective-C skills on recently, the language has been tanking on the Tiobe index of language popularity, dropping from third place a year ago to 15th place this month. During that time, Swift rose from 17th place to 14th place. Objective-C also has been dropping on the rival PyPL index.

Although Objective-C will be around for a while, it is certain that new development that might have been the domain of Objective-C before will move over to Swift -- because Apple has decreed it so.

Spring.Net: Bounced around, then essentially abandoned

Derived from the popular Spring Framework for Java development, the Spring.Net open source framework enables development of enterprise .Net applications via Spring technologies.

But it has changed hands over the years. In 2009, VMware acquired SpringSource, which developed Spring technologies. Later on, VMware spun out Pivotal, which got jurisdiction over Spring. These days, the Spring.Net community leads the Spring.Net project, according to Pivotal.

A check of the Spring.Net site, though, features on its front page an announcement from December 2012: "We are pleased to announce that the M2 (Milestone 2) release of Spring .Net 2.0.0 is now available." The Downloads page shows version 1.3.2 was the latest production release. The Twitter feed has not seen any activity since March 2014.

Oracle, meanwhile, has been busy trying to persuade Spring Framework Java users to switch to Java EE, arguing that Spring no longer offers developers advantages over Oracle's enterprise Java, such as dependency injection, which Spring had first. The lack of movement at Spring.Net certainly gives Oracle's argument practical credence.
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