Thursday 9 October 2014

Gartner: Top 10 strategic predictions for businesses to watch out for

For a session that is high-tech oriented, this year’s Gartner strategic predictions were decidedly human.

That is to say many were related to increasing the customer’s experience with technology and systems rather than the usual techno-calculations.
Gartner 2014

“Machines are taking an active role in enhancing human endeavors,” said Daryl Plummer is a managing vice president, chief of Research and chief Gartner Fellow. “Our predictions this year maybe not be directly tied to the IT or CIO function but they will affect what you do.”

Plummer outlined the following predictions and a small recommendation as to what IT can do to prepare for the item. Read on:

1. By 2018, digital business requires 50% less business process workers and 500% more key digital business jobs, compared to traditional models. IT leaders — need to develop new hiring practices to recruit for the new nontraditional IT roles.

2. By 2017, a significant disruptive digital business will be launched that was conceived by a computer algorithm. CIOs must begin to simulate technology-driven transformation options for business.

3. By 2018, the total cost of ownership for business operations will be reduced by 30% through smart machines and industrialized services. CIOs must experiment with precursor "almost smart machine" technologies and phantom robotic business process automation. Business leaders must examine the impact of increased wellness on insurance and employee healthcare costs as a competitive factor.

4. By 2020, developed world life expectancy will increase by 0.5 years due to widespread adoption of wireless health monitoring technology. Business leaders must examine the impact of increased wellness on insurance and employee healthcare costs as a competitive factor

5. By year-end 2016, $2.5 billion in online shopping will be performed exclusively by mobile digital assistants. Apple’s Siri is a type of assistant, but many online vendors offer some sort of software-assist that you may or may not be aware of. Marketing executives must develop marketing techniques that capture the attention of digital assistants as well as people. By the end of 2016, $2.5 billion in online shopping will be performed exclusively by mobile digital assistants.

6. By 2017, U.S. customers' mobile engagement behavior will drive U.S. mobile commerce revenue to 50% of U.S. digital commerce revenue. Recommendation: Marketing executives must develop marketing techniques that capture the attention of digital assistants as well as people. Mobile marketing teams investigate mobile wallets such as Apple's Passbook and Google Wallet as consumer interest in mobile commerce and payments grows.

7. By 2016, 70% of successful digital business models will rely on deliberately unstable processes designed to shift as customer needs shift. CIO need to create an agile, responsive workforce that is accountable, responsive, and supports your organizational liquidity.

8. By 2017, more than half of consumer product and service R&D investments will be redirected to customer experience innovations. Consumer companies must invest in customer insight through persona and ethnographic research.

9. By 2017, nearly 20% of durable goods e-tailers will use 3D printing to create personalized product offerings. CIOs, product development leaders, and business partners—evaluate gaps between the existing "as is" and future "to be" state (process, skills, and technology.)

10. By 2018, retail businesses that utilize targeted messaging in combination with internal positioning systems (systems that know you are in or near a store) will see a 20% increase in customer visits. CIOs must help expand good customer data to support real-time offers.

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